Trillium Kids Club - Bath Bombs

Bath Bombs

What you will need:

  • 1.5 cups of Bi-Carb Soda
  • 1/2 cup of Citric Acid
  • Potpurri/Botanicals or Essential Oils - You could also use some flavoured water from a herbal tea bag if you prefer.  Lavender is always a great choice for a calming environment
  • 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil (Liquid form) or Olive Oil
  • Food Colouring - We used the Queen brand from Woolworths, although there are natural food colourings available to purchase online
  • Moulds - The ones we used are from KMart.  You could any type of shape, just remember that it is easier to remove the finished product in 1 piece from an oval plastic mould
  • Bowl & Wooden spoon for mixing


Let's Create!

  1. Place the bi-carb and citric acid in a bowl and mix together.
  2. Add in your fragrance (up to 10 drops, if using essential oils, or a handful of potpourri/botanicals).
  3. Add 2-3 drops of food colouring.  If you want to use different colours, you can move half of the mixture to a separate bowl. You may need to add more food colouring, depending on the brand you use and what colour you are trying to achieve. 
  4. Next, add your coconut or olive oil.  This is known as a carrier oil, which is used to hold the mixture in place. 
  5. Wash your hands, then once they are dry, use your hands to combine the mixture together. 
  6. Still using your hands, place the mixture into your mould, pressing firmly in place to ensure that the ingredients are mixed in well and are moist enough to hold in place.  Use your fingertips to compress the top of the mixture once in the moulds. 
  7. Allow to set overnight.  You may need more time, depending on the amount of liquid used. 
  8. Once the mixture is set, you can pop the bath bombs out of your moulds ready for use in the bathtub.
  9. Remember to rinse your bathtub when finished to wash away any food colouring residue. 



Food Vans at Trillium
