Changes to Booking System


In light of this week's announcement of the relaxed restrictions by the DHHS, we are pleased to confirm that the current booking system that was implemented due to COVID Restrictions will be removed, effective immediately.  This means that our building capacity will return to pre-COVID numbers as outlined in our Occupancy Permit and bookings are no longer required to use the facility. 

Standard building & office opening times will also revert back to normal. Building opening times will be 5am – 10pm every day. Please refer to the website for office opening times.

It is imperative that the COVID-Safe Register is signed by each person who attends the facility for contact tracing purposes, regardless of whether the office is open.

However, Residents need to keep in mind that there are density quota limits in place, as outlined in the COVID-Safe Settings Policy issued by the Victorian Government that came into effect at 6pm on Friday 26th March 2021.  As a result, the following density limits must be adhered to at all times:

Gym with COVID Marshall Onsite: Density quotient of 1 person 2 square metres.  Maximum of 40 people at 1 time

Gym without COVID Marshall Onsite: Density quotient of 1 person per 4 square metres. Maximum of 20 people at 1 time

Swimming Pool & Tennis Court – Density quotient of 1 person per 2 square metres.  No cap, however, density quotas in place based on the size of the pool and Occupancy Permit.

Function Room with COVID Marshall Onsite – Density quotient of 1 per 4 square metres.  Maximum of 60 people at each function.

It is important to note that it is now the individual resident’s responsibility to be aware of the above conditions, particularly when the office is closed, to ensure that the Owners Corporation is not exposed to the risk of exceeding the maximum density quotas. Please apply social distancing rules where appropriate for your own safety.  The gym equipment will remain spaced out at 1.5m, and each 2nd cardio equipment (treadmills, elliptical trainers, and bikes) will be turned off to continue to allow a safe distance between gym users.   An antibacterial spray and Wet wipes are available in the gym and each piece of equipment MSUT be wiped down after use. Centre Management will continue to clean the gym equipment while the office is open.

 Notes to be observed:

  • Contact tracing details must be left through either scanning the QR Code (preferred) or manually writing your contact details in the COVID-Safe register.
  • No guest policy is currently in place – Inducted residents only.
  • Additional hygiene safety signs have been installed.
  • Hand sanitiser has been installed at the front door, back door, gym, office, 3 x bathrooms, and Function Room kitchen.
  • Use of the Communal drinking fountain in the gym is discouraged for hygiene reasons.  There is access to Drinking water from a water dispenser in the Common Hallway.  Disposable cups are not available, so please bring your own water bottle.
  • Members are requested to NOT allow access to other residents when in the facility, as per standard building rules.

Your co-operation over the last 12 months is appreciated, as we understand that these ever-changing rules are difficult to understand, particularly when each person has their own personal issues to deal with. 

Please contact the Centre Mangement Team if you have any questions.